Across Europe, online and telephone sales are outpacing traditional retail markets, but while B2C CNP transactions could be worth as much as €625bn by 2016, online payment fraud represents a real threat. Of all card fraud, 73% takes place over the internet, which can eat into profits and damage reputations.
Gabriel talked to almost 300 merchants in the UK, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, quantifying attitudes to fraud management, card-not-present (CNP) transactions, and related issues.
The research gave the business an up-to-date picture of what merchants had to say about CNP fraud, and importantly, what kind of support they wanted.
The research report was followed by a white paper: Online & mobile payments: New opportunities & threats.
This project augments Gabriel's substantial research, new product development, marketing and communications experience in the cards, payments and merchant services sector with American Express, Barclaycard, Barclays Merchants Services, First Data Corporation, HSBC, Visa Europe and WorldPay.