A 360-degree perspective on ESG

Aberdeen Standard Investments

A large-scale study providing a 360-degree perspective, canvassing the views of almost 9,000 savers and investors, 240 IFAs, and 120 senior pension professionals and consultants on their attitudes to a wide range of ESG issues.

This research was a major undertaking and is testament to ASI’s commitment to delivering the ESG-focused funds and strategies that best meet the needs and wants of consumers, advisers and institutional investors.

The study began with consumer research; qualitative groups were held in London, Manchester and Edinburgh, followed by a quantitative survey among a nationally representative sample of 8,958 UK adults. The findings informed ASI’s sponsorship of Good Money Week 2018, and later in the year their annual Investment Conference. In addition to promoting the benefits of sustainable investment, Good Money Week was focused on female empowerment.

More about Women, ESG and Investing and this phase of the research at www.aberdeenstandard.com

The second phase of research was among financial advisers, pension professionals and consultants. There were two main lines of inquiry: the perceived value of integrating ESG factors into the investment process; and attitudes to values-driven approaches, for example, ethical, sustainable, socially responsible and impact investment. The findings highlight that there is an appetite for sustainability in the widest sense of the word and point to the importance of forging better connections between investors and their investment providers so that today’s and tomorrow’s generations benefit from the positive outcomes needed to sustain them and the world we share.

Commenting on the findings, Amanda Young, Head of Global ESG Investment Research at Aberdeen Standard, said: “ESG considerations are moving centre stage and new directives from policymakers and regulators have brought the importance of ESG integration into sharp focus.”

Gabriel delivered an end-to-end service working with ASI’s retail, wholesale, institutional, ESG research, media and communications teams.

More about the research at www.aberdeenstandard.com